
The psychologist will first conduct an in-depth interview with the parent(s) before meeting with the student. Afterward, the psychologist will meet with the student over a series of appointments involving semi-structured interviews, standardized testing, and academic performance evaluation. Following the review of school report cards, previous assessment reports, results of questionnaires, and standardized testing, a report will be finalized. The psychologist will then meet with the parents virtually or in-person to discuss the results and recommendations.
Fees for the assessment cover both direct and indirect services. Direct services typically involve scheduled in-person or virtual appointments, while indirect services include scoring time, interpretation of test results, and report preparation. A combined autism and psycho-educational assessment usually takes approximately 20 hours to complete, including both direct and indirect service hours. Occasionally, a student may require additional testing hours. The duration of assessment varies as some individuals may take longer to complete testing than others. Services provided by our psychologists are based on an hourly rate.

Estimated hours needed for children/youth:
Parent Interview (Interview is done virtually or by phone: 3 to 3.5 hours
Autism Behavioural Observation (1.5 hours)
Cognitive functioning testing (2 hours)
Academic functioning testing (3 hours)
Additional testing, if applicable (1 to 2 hours )
Tests scoring (2 hours )
File review and preparation of report (8 hours)
Feedback for parents (Feedback is done virtually or by phone: 1 hour)

At the end of the assessment, parents will be provided a feedback session and a final report. Developmental history, areas of concern, testing results, and recommendations are included in the report. If the client meets diagnostic criteria for autism, learning disabilities, or/and ADHD, they may be able to receive accommodations in their school . We cannot guarantee the outcome of a psychological assessment.